The Church needs YOU. YOUR enthusiasm YOUR creativity and the joy that is so characteristic of YOU. -Pope Francis
Get involved in three easy steps!
1. Look at the parish Stewardship Handbook.
The Handbook list out the many different ways you can utilize your time, talent, and treasure at St. Mary’s!
2. Complete the
‘Time & Talent’ Form online.
You can also print off the Time and Talent Sheet. To complete and return to the Parish office.
3. You will be contacted by a parish representative who will help you get started in your ministry!
We are all called to the stewardship way of life, no matter how we sever the Church.
“Each viable faith community addresses six ministry areas as it lives out the fullness of our faith. These ministry areas include Church Life, Faith Formation, Family Life, Finance and Administration, Liturgy, and Social Action. These areas overlap. Concerns such as stewardship, evangelization, strategic planning, and communication, for example, do not fit neatly in one ministry area but are shared by all ministries and all members of the body. These six ministry areas exist at the parish and diocesan levels. Some of the structures at these levels are established by Canon Law or local requirements known as particular law established by a synod or at the direction of the Bishop, the Pastor of our local Diocesan Church. The principle of subsidiary, that decisions are to be made at the most appropriate level, undergirds all our activities as Church.”
Most Rev. Martin Amos, Bishop Emeritus (Six Areas of Ministry)